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Friday, Mar. 05, 2004 - 3:06 p.m.

She said it so well-EE-Fretting


Title: Running the Course

Author: Elisabeth Elliot

Today there are just too many things to do. My natural response is to fret and fear. Both are forbidden: Fret not. Fear not. That tells me what not to do. What, then, should I do?

"I will run the course set out in thy commandments, for they gladden my heart'' (Ps 119:32 NEB).

There will be both time and strength today to run that course, for it is always possible to do the will of God. The course He sets for us in his commandments is not an obstacle course, but one carefully planned to suit our qualifications--that is, not too rigorous for our limitations, not too lenient for our strengths.

The plan of God for me, for this one day, is meant not to trouble but to gladden my heart. Christ's yoke, according to his own promise, is not hard but easy--if we bear it together with Him and if we bear it as Christ bore it, in meekness and lowliness of heart.

"We must run with resolution the race for which we are entered, our eyes fixed on Jesus, on whom faith depends from start to finish" (Heb 12:2 NEB).


What a week! And I am afraid it is only one of many! STOP!! Go back and re-read above devotional.

I finished my speech, completely forgetting to put in the conclusion which was a repeat of all the points. Teacher has our full sentence outlines right in front of her which is what we planned on saying. I was the second one up. That way I can relax and enjoy the rest of the class. I saw a wonderful little gadget called an MP3 which will hold 8 hrs of downloaded music. Now I am wondering if it would hold programs from radio stations listened to over the internet. That is all immaterial. I have no time to learn to run another gadget, right now and no use for another music player when I have radios, the computer, CD players and an in-house pianist, banjoist, violinist, etc.

You are so good to me, Father. You surround me with such an array of riches to fill my life. The aches and pains of aging, the frustrations of life, the heartaches of personal and family failures do not make a very big pile when measured against all my blessings. Each morning is another new adventure. My adventures are a lot slower now but that is OK.


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