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Monday, Feb. 16, 2004 - 12:23 p.m.

Mamma and Bun-pic

Bun was Mamma's dearest friend and had been since they were girls. I do not know what Bun's maiden name was. That is lost in the sands of time.

When we moved north, they didn't get to see each other much. Mamma was retreating into her fog and didn't travel and we were so poor that people probably felt awkward visiting us from out of town. Mamma's brother would bring a loaf of white bread, jar of mayo and can of corned beef when they would come so every one could eat lunch and they could stay longer.

Mamma was in a mental institution when I got married. This picture looks to have been taken when she got out for the final time. The car is a 58 or 59 Ford and Bun prpbably didn't get it brand new so it was probably in the early 60s. Mamma looks so sweet and happy. I'm glad she had those happy times. I sure wasn't providing much of them. I wrote faithfully every week but went for long times without seeing her and people didn't call each other much in those days even if they had phones.

800 did his best to keep me away from the place he'd pulled me out of, even if it meant pulling me away from my folks. I am sure he meant well, but alot of it was possessiveness, and I should have done something about the situation. I will always be thankful I could make amends later. I love you, Mamma


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