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Wednesday, Feb. 18, 2004 - 11:06 a.m.

The Invisible God

I am so proud of myself. I have been cordial to the blb whenever I meet her in the halls of school, and even faced the possibility of being in the same math class. The grandgirls told me a few weeks ago that she was having trouble in the math class and wondered if I would help her. They all knew I was tutoring. I told them yes I would help. This morning she called, in trouble with approved percentage rates. The class is tonite and my section is facing a major test so I turned in the homework last Friday so it would be ready to look at this afternoon a few hours before class. I had taken notes about it and also have a solution manual for the problems that have the answer in the back of the book so I figured I could help her. It wasn't hard; she is not dumb, but had become completely frustrated and figured she just didn't understand. As she went through the problem on the phone with me, I could see immediately what had happened. She was putting the information in wrong on her scientific calculator and needed to have some parentheses to keep the order of operations. When I told her of that, the problem was solved. She wants to meet me in the classroom at 2 today to go over some more. I'll be there anyway and agreed, but more that that, I didn't mind. No need to make excuses. I was glad to help. And not to gloat, either. Somewhere along the way, You snuck up on me and changed my heart. I didn't even see You; I wasn't even expecting You, even though I had prayed about the feelings I had (or used to have). 800 said she must had had a very large serving of crow, and maybe so, but it doesn't even matter. I have it in my hand to help her, and You showed me that verse years and years ago. End of story. But not really. Once again, You astound me. Just when I think I know You pretty well, I see a new facet of Your glory that brings me to my knees. Abba.

A chinook is blowing and the snow is melting. I can see some bare ground and that is good for all the birds. 800 hung one of 2d's feeders on the deck and it has been busy all week. The snow was so deep and the little birds were frantic to find some food. They would even squeeze through the wire into the pheasant pen and beat on the wire trying to get out later. We call the view through the patio doors out onto the deck the Food Channel since Trixie likes to sit and watch the birds by the hour. Tyrone and MammaCat like to watch the Food Channel too, but from their box on the deck. One morning we found some feathers inside the box. Someone tried a new recipe!!


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