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Sunday, Feb. 15, 2004 - 3:11 p.m.

Gnashing of teeth-pic

Poured my heart out yesterday about my classes, my grades, my essays---on and on and on. Then tried to put a pic here and everything disappeared before I knew it. I guess You know all about it anyway and I felt lots better after getting it out where I could look at it. And it saved everyone else the trouble of wading through drivel.

I just wish I could figure out how to scan pictures better. I either get them tremendously big or all splotchy. Mr. F said HP has some classes to take on the internet and is going to send me the website. He talked of signing up for them. Maybe they have something that would help. I can't afford to take anymore classes this semester, so I won't be trying Image Editing yet. No, it's not the; money, it's the time. If I have to do anymore homework, I won't have time to obsess over the homework I have and then my grades will drop. My grade in speech is 79/80, the class average is 67/80. Yay, obsession does pay off!!!!

Oops, I forgot to say the pic is of Mamma in the middle of her softball team in the 1930's somewhere in Washington, Idaho or Oregon. = = =EE in her devotional today "I thought of that kind of love not long afterwards, and I thought of it with shame, for I had been disturbed by a petty thing. It is sweet Georgia springtime now, lavish compensation for January's cold, and the birds sing. But I, being still a sinner, can be disturbed by a petty thing. Back I went to the Sourcebook, to the thirteenth chapter of 1 Corinthians, for a clear description of how I ought to act if I really wanted my prayer answered ("Make me the sort of wife I ought to be"). What I found was the precise opposite of my own inclinations in this instance, because this time I was quite sure that my husband was wrong. Reading my own name in place of the word love, followed by the opposites of each characteristic described, I saw my own face in the glass and the truth knocked me down. "E. loses patience, is destructive, possessive, anxious to impress, cherishes inflated ideas of her own importance, has bad manners, pursues selfish advantage, is touchy, keeps account of evil...." I couldn't go on. The antidote to these horrors was love the kind that "knows no limit to its endurance, no end to its trust, no fading of its hope; it can outlast anything. It is, in fact, the one thing that still stands when all else has fallen." The Word of God is light, and in its light we see light. My perspective changed; I saw what had bothered me as a petty thing, as nothing. Peace and equilibrium were restored--and that without a "sharing" session. "Thy words were found and I did eat them, and they were unto me the joy and rejoicing of my heart." "Thy statutes have been my songs in the house of my pilgrimage." Thanks be to God for such songs"= = = k 'loses patience, etc,etc,etc'. EE says it for me, once again.


EE's devotional

newAutumn Leaves

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