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Thursday, Jan. 15, 2004 - 11:19 a.m.

A day in the life~~~~~

EE has another entry. They are not really devotional if one is looking for exposition on Bible verses, but they are full of wisdom, and her outlook on life. The Amy Carmichael poem she included is one of my favorites.

A prayer written by Amy Carmichael has been my prayer as long as I have been a mother, and I pray it now for my grandchildren:

Father, hear us, we are praying,

Hear the words our hearts are saying,

We are praying for our children.

Keep them from the powers of evil

From the secret, hidden peril,

From the whirlpool that would suck them,

From the treacherous quicksand pluck them,

Holy Father, save our children.

From the worldling's hollow gladness,

From the sting of faithless sadness,

Through life's troubled waters steer them,

Through life's bitter battle cheer them,

Father, Father, be Thou near them.

Read the language of our longing,

Read the wordless pleadings thronging,

Holy Father, for our children.

And wherever they may bide,

Lead them Home at eventide

This has been a good year for me concerning my children, in spite of 1d's health problems. I see such growth in her, even while I watch the emergence of personality changes becauses of the brain cell death.

More and more I see myself (and my family) as visitors in this culture. Sure there are lots of wonderful things to observe and partake of, but it is not home. I happened to read a copy of Redbook and Goodhousekeeping recently after having seen neither for years. I wasn't surprised about Redbook. It had been getting a ways out there the last time I looked at it, but the Goodhousekeeping was a surprise. I couldn't identify with hardly anything I read, from the recipes to the decorating to the people stories. It was almost like looking at the culture of a foreign country. Is living in a less metropolitan part of the Mountain West, not watching much current TV offerings, having friends mainly in Christian circles causing this provinciality? I am not sure. There are alot of folks I talk to when I meet them at the campus. Our conversations are probably as deep as the ones I share with the folks at church. The only really intimate conversations I have are with my daughters.

I browsed through my English 2 book yesterday. The biggest bunch of psychobabble twaddle I have seen in a long time. But of course I cannot express that thought to the teacher if I want a good grade. I learned when 1d was taking English classes at a secular school that it is better to just feed the teacher what they want. It will be interesting to see where the English class goes, but I am sure glad I am not taking any Psychology classes. Hopefully I can take some bland Humanities classes that won't rouse much response. At my age, my philosophies are pretty much set. Wouldn't it be something to suddenly hear and accept something that turned my whole thinking process upside down. That is basically what happened when I accepted Jesus as my Saviour. The brand new person I became learned just like a brand new baby.

Not that I haven't had epiphanies over the years. I love epiphanies. They stretch me so far I can't believe it, but they never take me out of who I am, Your child.

Well now I have to get back to trying to learn something. I want to send 6 pics to little sis. In the first place, the Outlook Express doesn't want to send them because they may be dangerous. That is not the word it used, but I forgot what word it was. Something to do with viruses. There are none on my computer but I probably have something set that shouldn't be. Secondly, I don't know how to send multiple attachments. In fact, my attachment abilities are 'by guess or by golly'. I could put the pics in a document, but that is such a long way around. I will just google around and see if I can find an answer. If all else fails, I will try Juno one pic at a time. Ineptitude may be just another name for dumb.


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