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Saturday, Jan. 17, 2004 - 12:38 p.m.

Who? *pic

Sometimes I start my day just by reading my last entry to see who I was yesterday. This has been a week in limbo. Classes start next week and there are still some unresolved issues with books, classes and memberships, not to mention IDs which will involve a trip to bigtown. I have to go to the main campus to get a student ID card so I can take tests and talk to my Lib Science advisor to get started on an independent study class. I will have to spend some days at the campus library to do the class but can do the rest on my own.

The Activity by Contract is still hazy because of who will pay for the club membership. I was about to give up the water aerobics class and just take a walking class and hobble which is free or take the 3 credit class which would get it over with all at once. I was discouraged from taking the class by my case manager who said it involved working on lots of projects in small groups. I am sure glad she told me that. I do not play well with others.

I got A's in 2 of the computer classes and a B in one. I took issue with that grade and the teacher gladly changed it. She missed the first class and made it up on a Saturday later which I could not attend. But since I got the assignment and turned it in plus doing more of the last assignment than anyone else (mail merge, labels, etc.) I figured she had just done the grades on attendance. When you have as few classes under your belt as I have, even one B lowers the GPA to a 3.899. I am sure that the possibility of B's will arise, but I will know when I don't deserve an A and take it. Until then I plan on pushing the envelope when I have to.

After reading the syllibi of the English classes, I am wondering if I will continue with Comp 2 right away. I have no fear about my writing or comprehensive abilities but research and documenting are things that I will have missed from Comp 1. I am hoping that just applying the rules from the English handbook and dooing what the teacher requires in those areas will suffice. I had better use these last few days to dig out my handbooks, look things up on the Internet and' in general, line up my ducks.

I don't know who the woman is in the picture I am putting up. I surmise it was taken around the turn of the last century and as I recall other pictures of that time, I think she was probably still quite young since her gown is light colored and low-necked. I wonder about the pendant she has on. Where is it now? I must get out the magnifying glass and see if I can see more details. I am going to email it to Hawaii along with another that I think is an aunt and uncle in the 40's. Cousin M may have some info. This doesn't really even matter in the grand scheme of things, but I told little sis I would document as many of the pics as I could. No need to get obsessive about it, right?

EE has another new entry today. Maybe there will be fairly regular ones. Altho this one is a reprint from 1988.


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