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Tuesday, Jan. 13, 2004 - 12:56 p.m.

Here I go again * pic

Did this work? - Nope. It did not work. Or at least not the way it is supposed to. What does that little box with a red x mean? I run into that alot on the web and always figured it was something that had to do with my older computer. I guess not. Maybe I have something set wrong, like Java stuff. I Googled it and somebody said something that sounded like a possibility but I have since forgotten what that was. I am toooooo old. I got my books from the campus bookstore yesterday. Stood in line for over an hour and was joined there by many folks from work. Most of them are earnestly trying to find something that will gainfully employ them for the rest of their lives at the same level the company did. Good Luck. They are mostly going into various health fields. After what 1d has gone through the last 14 years, I know that is no picnic. I feel like an imposter. In all likelihood, I am not going to find a job or career with a Library Science degree that pays any better than something I could findby just looking around now, but one never knows. Right now it is only a $7 an hour job that only takes 3 afternoons and 2 evenings a week and involves only brainwork. No benefits, good days off, interesting work and people. I should be grateful instead of feeling imposterish. I feel much better after that little pep talk. ---------------------------------------------------------------------I am so pleased. I was fooling around with the banner tutorial and while I didn't make a satisfactory banner, I discovered a place to fiddle around with my own images so I could put them here. Now I know that there is probably somewhere in my own editing program that would have done the same thing much easier, that is OK. I am used to taking the long way around.


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