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Wednesday, Jan. 07, 2004 - 11:07 a.m.

Real short one

I am up to my ears in paperwork this morning trying to get my COBRA paperwork ready when the company sponsored time runs out. The IRS will pay 65% of the premium but takes 4-6 weeks to sign one up and one has to pay the whole premium. 65% can be retrieved at nest tax time but few needing COBRA can afford to tie money up that long especially when they are on Unemployment. Some of the people at the IRS HCTC office say you can get register now, some say not until the company quits paying. It is a mixup, and I know alot of the folks I worked with are going to be angry and frustrated.

I have worked with bureaucracy before and know you just have to keep control of your temper and keep knocking on different doors until one finally opens. My co-workers don't do so well at those things. Most of the lab techs were used to reading for information, but the majority of the workers, even tho smart, were showme learners and most had the typical blue collar mentality which is often belligerent.

Would you look at the way I spelled 'bureau(had to remove a o right here)cracy'? That does not look right. I probably better get a dictionary on this computer as my spelling abilities are fading fast.


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