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Friday, Dec. 12, 2003 - 6:51 p.m.

Quality time

I have spent a lot of time on the computer lately, just not on the net. Homework has taken up alot of time but it has been well worth the effort. I know how to use Paint and the Draw toolbar of Word. Also did Mail Merge today which could be really timesaving. Still have Address Labels and some stuff like that. These computer classes have helped me go places I never thought I would go. I think I will take some more. Image editing, web pages and Power Point sound interesting.

I now have almost all the shopping done. I still want to buy 2d some red goblets or glasses to match her Royal Doulton china. Picked up a guitar, case and book for $50 at Walmart for d. That way I don't have to turn loose of my guitar for a while. If he really learns, I'll give him both of them.

I got the boys each an Hp trio like mine. They are both hard to buy for since they have good jobs and buy what they want when they want. 2d is easy to buy for because her interests are so many and varied and 1d is easy to buy for since she has so little.

I just found out that Cousin Jack is not doing well. He caught pneumonia 6 months ago, spent 19 days in hospital, where they found out prostate cancer is back and his lungs are shot. He never smoked but is 73 so his body is probably wearing out. He sounded so weak on the phone. I asked him if he was thinking much about what lay ahead. When I told him how important it was that he knew Jesus as his Saviour, he told me he had done that and was OK. Thank You, Father. He is a good man who never got all the good back that he deserved in this life. I'm happy he'll get it in Heaven. That's the best of all.

I have been very blessed in the relatives on my Dad and Mom's side, aunts and uncles both. They have been folks of good character, not gossips, slanderers, bitter or hateful. I am appreciating kindness more and more. I see so much thoughtlessness and just plain meanness today. When God is removed from a society, all the good things that come along with believing go too. Even the ones who don't believe are under that influence for a long time but it is going now. Back to paganism. I truly believe this is the post-Christian era. How sad. It's time for You to bring us home.


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