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Monday, Dec. 08, 2003 - 12:15 p.m.

Doctor's evaluation

1d went to a psychiatrist last Wed. Her doc in Portland recommended it in order for her to continue driving. He was to evaluate the Portland tests and the MRI's and her current condition. When SS heard about it, they asked him if he would be the evaluator for her SS determination so that worked out well.

I want to write down the notes she took at the meeting so I don't forget them. The part of lher brain that has been injured is the area that controlls HPA, Hypothalamus Pituitary Adrenal functions which control the body's response to stress. That area causes releases of dopamine, epinephrine, and histamine so one can see that folks with Parkinson's and other diseases are affected also. 800's family has had troubles in this area so some of 1d's problems may even be genetically caused. The doc cannot pinpoint a direct cause, could be the sleep apnea or a CVA, cerebral vascular accident like seizure or stroke. Anyway there is damage to the frontal lobe which either destroyed the receptors or disturbed the balance of the receptors which in turn caused a chemical imbalance. There is no treatment only precaution. If the damage was caused by CVA, she must be an a quiet atmosphere, with no stress from job, diabetes, etc. If the damage was caused by sleep apnea, using the machine may prevent further damage but cannot restore damaged parts. His recommendations are for her to continue on Paxol in stress situations, and to have counseling to control reaction to stress since the brain cannot release the proper things to do it for her body.

All in all, not a very bright future. If it is progressive, she will not be able to have an independent life as deterioration continues. How long, no one knows or can predict. She may not have many serious physical disabilities,but may have to move in with us or her siblings if driving became impossible or if she can no longer be safe with appliances and cooking. She is relieved to know it is not just 'in her head', even if it is in her head. She was hoping for some magic bullet to cure, but we shall all just have to trust in You with her, for daily strength and guidance. Hopefully she will be able to get on SS Disability since vocational rehab seems out of the question. Otherwise she, 800 and I will have to make some major lifestyle changes. You know and that is sufficient.


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