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Saturday, Dec. 06, 2003 - 10:17 a.m.

My Saturday duties.

2d wants to decorate the tree tonite when she gets home from skiing. She didn't stay at Solvale because she had a pre-arranged private lesson up the hill. She and several other DCL trainees stayed with an older lady who lives at Solvale. They spread out their sleeping bags on the floor and saved lots of money.

I bought a Doug fir at RiteAid yesterday. It was very fresh and should be a good one. 2s bought $5 permits and cut pinon pines for 1d and himself. He has it in his head that I don't like pinons so he didn't get us one. If I said anything at all about pinons in previous years, it was probably concerning size, as a $5 tree delivered to the house cannot be beat. But 2s is as mulestubborn as his mom.

I shall start moving extra stuff from the living room to the family room shortly. The doll houses can go under the bunks and the big wicker blanket and pillow holdercan stand in the corner. 800 hasn't cleared out his corner and the piano yet. Perhaps I shall just get an empty box and load all in it. The nativity scene goes on top of the piano and E always likes to unwrap each piece now that she is older.

The dishes are all done and the deck is cleaned up as much as it is going to get this winter. 800 still has several packs of roofing shingles there and is still intermittently working on the finishing of the garage roof.

The snow we had last week is all gone at the lower elevations and it rained almost all Thursday and Friday. It seems like a winter from the Columbia Basin with the fog we have had.

One of my plans for today and the next few days is to go through the Start Menu on this computer and see what programs start with out the software. Then I will pick out the disks that they will like and that I am not particulary interested in and send those with them. I do need to keep enough for young folks to use here. I have several versions of the Oregon Trail so I'll just keep the new one. I'll also send the African Trail and Mayaquest along. I want to keep Yukon Trail Here. I'll send the old Encarta along and one of the card programs.

I certainly haven't done much deep thinking here lately. Mostly just the nuts and bolts of everyday life. But I like to enumurate those kinds of things. It keeps me straight.


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