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Friday, Dec. 05, 2003 - 4:00 p.m.

Almost bedtime

I think I will quit for the day as soon as I finish this entry. I wrote a very long one before going with 1d to see e sing at the Trees Festival, but I lost it. I have Harry Potter and LOTR videos to watch again and I am all alone in the house so I shall just indulge my self.

2d is at Solvale for a DSL seminar, may be home tonite, may stay and fun ski for the day. The runs are very long there and she gets a comp pass so she would enjoy herself. 800 is elk hunting again, and I was all alone in the house last night. I fell asleep at midnite and woke at 7 am so I think I may be finally breaking the nightshift life habit. I will miss it because on my days off, the house was so quiet in the wee hours of the morning and I got lots of book work done.

I will probably put the new computer together next week after my next class. I am probably stalling. While it is still in the box, all my fantasies about its wonderfulness are still true. When it is actually up and running, I shall have to deal with reality and whatever oddities show up. Most of them will originate with me, I am sure.

Night, night, don't let the bedbugs bite.


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