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Monday, Dec. 01, 2003 - 9:35 a.m.

New baby

Yes, she's finally here! My new computer is an HP Pavilion with a 17 Inch monitor, 256MB SDRAM,40GB hard drive, CDRW burner, plus other goodies and a HP1110 printer, copier, scanner. I could have gotten an 80GB, with a DVD along with the CDRW and about same other specs but would have had to bother with about 3 big rebates and travel 100 miles. If anything goes wrong now, Walmart is only 6 miles down the road.

Yes, I got up Friday morning and went to the big sale. Didn't buy much but the computer and sewing machines for the girls' Christmas presents but that was all I really needed for now. The Singer machines aren't much but they do a few fancy stitches and the girls can see if they like sewing well enough to buy a Caddy. I sure don't. Just a plain jane does me fine. Seams are about my limit and more than an hour frazzles my nerves.

The new computer is in the car trunk, and I am transferring stuff from this computer to 3.5 disks. I'm going to send my email from both addresses next. If I can't get the attachments on disks, I'll send them to 2d and then have her send them back when I am hooked up. Then I'll take this computer over to 1d's and hook it up for them. They probably won't get on the Net until her finances improve, but I have lots of software for them and they can still get on the net here.

I'm leaving shortly to go to the library, get more money out of the Credit Union, pay 1d's rent and 800's and her car insurance. That will be about $1000 (gulp) I'll only have property taxes and Christmas to tend to after that and I will be getting $300 each week UI. Things will be OK if I am careful and nothing big unexpectedly comes up.

Hopefully by right after Christmas, I will be ready to start copying Mom's pictures to CDs and hook up the digital camera. The new computer has USB ports on the front so that will be convenient.

I am having a lot of trouble with this week's MS Word lesson. We are doing it on our own and the homework is due tomorrow. Creating columns and text boxes are the problems areas. I'll just keep plugging away.


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