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Tuesday, Dec. 16, 2003 - 1:23 p.m.

Up on the housetop

Bang! Bang! Bang! 800 is putting the final touches on the garage roof. The kids got up there for a few hours on a Saturday that he was elk hunting and put most of the shingles on in between rain storms and then we had a week of rain. I was glad they had put the shingles on. He was unhappy that they hadn't finished and hadn't done it 'right'. I am sure they won't do something like that again! I was hoping I might get my kitchen light fixed, the deck stairs fixed, etc.etc.etc. but I think those hopes are dashed without hiring a pro.

I finally set up the new Baby Saturday and so far I am very contented. I even copied a CD yesterday successfully. It is much faster and has lots of toys and lots of new applications to explore. It will take a few weeks to find out all the new twists. I have been setting up the emails and desktop and Start Menu just the way I like them. The computer classes were a great help in this area. My only dissatisfaction is the digital camera. BANG HEAD HERE!!! I saw that Kodak has a disposable digital camera for $10. I think I will try that. I will need to find a place on the net to post a few pictures. I have seen mention of a few free places like that and will have to check it out. In the meantime, I am very happy with the HP 3 in 1. It was so easy to hook up and a pleasure to use. Now I have to take all the old stuff over to 1d's house and set it up there. I think she and the kids will get a kick out of having it. No internet access but lots of games and CDs of interest.

I have one more computer assignment to work on this afternoon with j. It concerns mailing labels and other merge features. I did the part I could, and will have to study out the next part. I couldn't do anymore at home because the Office 97 wasn't reading the files teacher had put on the computer lab. Better close now and get it finished up.


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