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Tuesday, Nov. 25, 2003 - 10:38 a.m.

A vast nothing

This day has started out as an unproductive waste and is probably not going to get any better. I was dead tired at the revival meeting last nite, and felt as dry as a desert. I need the Water of Life to drench me. 1d and kids had come over and ate supper with me then rode to and from the meeting so they could conserve gas. D was bone tired too. I went to bed early and slept late. Have done nothing this am not even reading the paper. Now I have to dress and go pick up e from kindergarten as 1d had to go to the dentist. Then back here where hopefully I will get inspired to do something.

Now that I think back, I realize that spending the whole day fiddling with the printer wore me out. I think it is toast, but may have lost a connection as I changed shelves so I could fiddle with it concerning the paper loader. A little piece is loose and doesn't guide the paper in so printing can start which turns the blinking light on which causes the printer to lose the print job which causes me to have to reorder the print again which causes me to think bad words (well, not really bad but bad for me) which causes me to have a guilt trip which-------on and on and on.

I really need to shop for some holiday food and go to the library. Fat chance!


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