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Wednesday, Nov. 26, 2003 - 11:14 a.m.

Fight!! Fight!!

One of the nicest things about writing here is that I can disagree with people without hollering or coming to blows. In most situations, I tend to sit quietly and keep my mouth shut unless the matter is worth dying for. I don't like confrontations and I don't like hurt feelings over something that either wasn't very important or else was not expressed clearly enough. Here in my journal, if I read something in the news or around the net, I can disagree, state my case, mildly or not so mildly rant and life stilll goes on. Someone on the opposite side of the issue who might read my comments either sends me feedback or just goes on their way.

That seems to me to be more freedom of expression than useless wrangling. I read a Chinese saying that aptly states, "The first one to shout or hit, loses."

A computer just like I want goes on sale at Walmart Friday from 6 to ll am. I don't think I will get up early to be the first in the door but I may do my first Day After Thanksgiving shopping ever. If the 'puter is still there, so be it. A Sign!!!

Maybe a better sign is that my printer worked a bit this morning. I got the firt 3 pages of my book printed for class this afternoon, and some other printing, then I tried to put the paper catching tray back on because I am obsessive-compulsive and it started acting up. At least I know it is connected OK.

I have a little grocery shopping to do before class at 4, then revival meeting at 7. Most of the Thanksgiving dinner supplies are already in my shelves; olives, pickles, cranberry sauce, stuffing makings, potatoes, ingredients for green bean with FF onions casserole (first attempt) turkey, fruit salad. I just have to get whipping cream, cream cheese, celery, and hard rolls. 2d brought a 21# fresh turkey home from work,(Yay, it fits in the new roaster just like the old roaster) 1d is making pumpkin pies and yams with marshmallows and that completes the dinner. We'll have fresh cranberry relish and corn and oysters at Christmas, plus heavenly hash.

My plan has been to make all that stuff for Thanksgiving because there is more time in the day, and then do something different for Christmas, but 2s doesn't have the girls til Sunday, and 3s is going to North Idaho to some friends' home. They have a blind date waiting so he is a little skittish. "She better be Christian and single this time," was his commment. Everyone, Lord willing, will be here for Christmas. It would be nice to get a picture of everyone, but I won't hold my breath.

It snowed 2 or 3 inches last night. In most of the years we have lived down here, it snows Thanksgiving week, melts off and then is pretty good til Christmas or later. When 800 was seeding on the desert, he would be able to come home for dinner and then take the next few weeks to finish the job before the ground froze so deep the drills wouldn't put the seed in the ground. Time was always the crucial element. The year he went from here all the way to Klamath Falls seeding power lines, he and the 2 oldest boys didn't come home. 800 and 1 boy didn't make it to town before the restaurants closed so they had microwave pizza at a convenience store and had great fun telling about it.

2d and I had dinner alone. I think we may have gone into the church for dinner but that memory has faded. One year, she and 800 had Thanksgiving dinner at a truckstop in the Midwest. He took her on a long haul trip to see the country for a week. I don't remember who the leftovers all were or where we ate. Another lost memory. But I may remember tomorrow--or not.


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