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Friday, Nov. 21, 2003 - 11:57 a.m.

Tsk, tsk, tsk

Shame on the Brits who gathered in protest over the Bush visit. Reminds me of some of their American cousins with equally bad manners. I don't deny their right to assemble, but one doesn't have to avail oneself of every right. I have the right to throw myself on the ground, kick my feet, and pound with my fists, but I choose not to.

When I saw the picture in the paper, I remembered when Joe Kennedy was Ambassador to Great Britain before World War II. He was in favour of appeasing Hitler, and negotiating some more. Thank goodness, he was violently opposed by a little English bulldog named Churchill, or there would be no protesting of anything over there right now. I am thankful for Tony Blair and all the people who stood behind him. Definitely not 'fair weather friends'. And thank goodness for wise American leaders who over-ruled the isolationists so we could help Europe in time. Our country paid a tremendous price both in lives and personal sacrifice but that saved both our nations in future years. Thank goodness, also, that the protestors have been in the minority over the centuries or we'd all still be wearing blue woad and worshipping trees.


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