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Wednesday, Nov. 19, 2003 - 9:26 a.m.

Saved from a life of crime

Did I mention that I didn't have to shoot 800 and apply for my pension as a widow after all? He got so paranoid about the company having to have a better copy of his birth certificate that I was beginning to think that murder was the easiest way to go!! Instead I got on the phone to the pension secretary and with the certificate copy in front of me and another in front of her, we found the offending date which would have remained the same no matter what document she would receive. Luckily she was a reasonable person and luckily there was another place on the copy with the correct year of his birth. She was looking at a place that omitted the 3 in the year making it look as if he were born in 196something. Wow, that would have made him in his early forties--lucky me. Take the preceding statement anyway you want. I am sure I have been in a state one time or another during the last 43 years that any interpretation would fit.

I have tons of computer class homework to do, computer class to attend tonight, 1d and family to pick up 10 miles away in the 5 minute gap between class and Bible study, 36 folks on my peer list to call, beds to make and dressed to get....mostin the next few hours. Hope I get it all done in the right order. Plus a deer to cut up tomorrow.


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