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Saturday, Nov. 22, 2003 - 9:13 a.m.

Budding author--not

I am learning a lot in my 3 computer classes; Windows, Word, and Word processing. But along with learning comes homework, homework, homework. I have finally got the hang of files and folders, how to create them and how to manage them. Even with all the practice(homework) when I sat down this morning here, I had to review the difference between a file and a folder. It is a good thing our instructor also teaches first grade. She is able to put everything on my level that way!

In the Word processing class(different teacher)we had to choose 3 out of 10 projects. I chose 2 rather simple creative but challenging tech projects. Then took a giant leap creatively altho the tech part was very simple. Writing a short story--haven't done that in years, but I did write a full length youth novel when I was at Bible School. It has to be 2 pages and it took me 2 hours! At that speed the Great Americal Novel will not be written in my lifetime. I had even plotted much of the first half of the book out in my head, including some very detailed scenarios. And I hate conversations--there really ought to be an application that puts in quotation marks, commas and 'he said, she said's. One always has to go back and figure out more creative ways to 'said' anyway. To sum up the whole event, my opinion remains the same. I'd rather read 'em than write 'em.

I am alone today and it is really too cold to go out and spend money. 800 went elk hunting north east. He may stay over night. 2d has taken her ski stuff up the hill. Opening day, depression lifted. She gets very obsessive about skiing. One of her few spiritual shortcomings and I bet You are going to work on that attitude, aren't You? She has bought d a season pass for Christmas ($200) very generous for an auntie, but she has ulterior motives. She wants to teach 5 year old e to ski this year, but doesn't want to be stuck babysitting all day long, since she also has private lessons to give. Since 2s bought his girls passes, and since 2d will take the whole crew of grands up most Saturdays, she figures they can take turns watching e. 'O what tangled webs we weave'.

I may just sit here in my flannel nightie with the radiant heater going and an icy glass of cola nearby and do all my homework today. Upstairs there are beds to make and a few dishes to do, a floor that probably needs swept or vacuumed. I could even play the 16 CD classical music album 3s gave me. What a perfect plan. However, I must remember to get up and walk around every so often or I will be sooooo stiff.

2d played her violin in the Valley Philharmonic Orchestra last night for the second year. 800 and I went for an evening of 'culture'. Not very many folks there, probably mostly relatives. 800 wondered why, but I know why. In our area, spending $6 a ticket and spending 2 hrs listening to an orchestra is considered a waste of time. That's a pity because most would have recognized Barber of Seville from Saturday cartoons, Harry Potter and Chanber of Secrets, and would have been stirred to hear Washington Post March. Even the one that just came on, Eine Kleine Nachtmusik is familiar from The Net. But then I have absolutely no interest in going to any rock concert, so every one to his own taste.

Well, my conscience has won out. I will get dressed, wash dishes, make beds then come back.


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