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Friday, Nov. 14, 2003 - 12:34 p.m.

Full as a tick

After I had sorted 3 boxes of books from 3s that had been sitting on the deck for at least a month, I peeled 2 potatoes and made French Fries. Yes I did. The first I have had since October. Now I am stuffed. And they weren't nearly as good as the ones in the lab. Even with salt and ketchup.

I am still working on my Spring schedule. Having trouble getting the PE class worked out. A student's membership to the club will only be $20 and perhaps I can get WIA to pay for it. Since I am over 60, all my tuition is cost-free to the WIA program so perhaps I can sell this deal to them. If not I am going to have to sign up myself, I think. I am getting unlimber fast.

One thing I absolutely have to do is make a to-do list, preferably today. I am going to start forgetting things and dropping the ball on important mailings and payings if I don't get organized. Have 2 or 3 faily serious deadlines right now that require other pieces and blanks to be filled in, so I had better get on the stick. When my failures in responsibility start to hit my pocketbook, it will be too late!

This is the fifth day that 800 has left home in the morning for hunting. He is not dead tired when he gets home and wakes early, so he is either taking naps in his pickup or something is up! Does that sound paranoid? Maybe I need some chocolate.


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