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Thursday, Nov. 13, 2003 - 5:01 p.m.

I'm baaaaack!!!!!! (again)

Whew!! Sure glad the diaryland guys could restore my journal. I don't know what I would have done to start a new one and transfer all the old stuff. It was still accessible sometimes if I went throught the archive thingy and I could still post entries altho they never went anywhere. I didn't know how much this space meant to me. Wouldn't have killed to let go, but I wasn't looking forward to it.

Finally touched bases with my advisor and got some answers


From : "S P" <

To :

Subject : Re: Planning your C schedule

Date : Thu, 13 Nov 2003 16:19:33 -0700

Hi, K

My goodness, you are very organized. Your schedule looks good.

3 cr.....English Comp 2.....MCC campus

3 cr.....Communications...MCC campus

3 cr.....123 Math .................MCC campus

3 cr.....Cataloging...............TF campus

2 cr.....Library Skills............TF campus and Internet

1 cr.....Copyright...................Internet

1 cr.....Activity by Contract...Racqueteers.

I already have these classes and credits:

3 cr....BUSA Principles of Business Management

[This counts as an elective]

3 cr....English Comp 1... Received credits because of 99 score on Compass

[I checked with one of the counselors about getting this on your transcript. She said you have to pay $16.50/credit (20% of tuition). She also recommended that you wait to do this until after the first week of English 102, because you will have to do a writing assessment on the first day of class. Some students get bumped back to English 101.]

3 cr... MS Windows, MS Word, Word Processing taking now at C campus

2 cr....Teamworking Skills and Communication Skills

[These count as electives.]


1) I already know how to type, do I need to take OFFT 110 Keyboarding as listed in Library Science required courses?

[You can test out of it, then pay the fee to get the credit put on your transcript.]

2) May I use BUSA Princ of Management or the above 3 computer classes as the

3 credits to choose from BUSA 215, COMS, and INFT listed as choices for completing award requirements?

[Yes. It goes in there with the list of electives.]

3) Are the 16 cr contained in the list above as my schedule for the Spring

semester too heavy a load for me? One class (water aerobics) I had planned

on attending anyway as part of my personal lifestyle program, one class is

an internet program and one is the Library Skills which seems to be a fairly

independent class. I am also a peer tutor in Math twice a week for 3 hours

in the afternoon before my Wednesday and Thursday classes. Those hours may

be spent tutoring or on personal class study.

[You appear to be an organized and motivated person. I expect you can handle them all. The 1 credit course on copyright isn't a requirement, so you could drop it if you get too busy.]

4) Do I need to see you personally to arrange the above schedule or are

these communications enough to take to the C office for enrollment on

Nov. 17,2003?

[This way is fine. If they want a signature, ask them to give me a call at extension.]

5) When can I make arrangements with you at the C Library for the Library Skills class?

[Just come in to see me sometime during the first week of classes. The first day that the Cataloging class meets will work, if you can come before 4:30, when I get off work.]

Thank you,




Reference Librarian


I hope I can do well at this new endeavor. I am getting so much older and am losing skills fast in some areas. If I can't do well, I would just as soon drop it as worry it around like a dog with a bone.

I have lots and lots of folks to call on my peer advocate list. Also got my final check from work with last week of work, bonus, and vacation. My, a lot was taken out for taxes but if I don't owe it, it will all come back at tax time just like a little savings account but no interest.

Thank You so much, Father. I need You every minute of every hour. NO FEAR


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