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Tuesday, Nov. 11, 2003 - 9:55 a.m.

Still no luck

Tried changing the template just now, hoping that that might renew something in the hmtl, but to no avail. Set my schedule to the Library science advisor. It contains 16 credits for the spring semester which 4 more that full time, but several of them are independent study on the internet and one is the water aerobics class which I intended taking anyway. I'll also peer tutor in math two afternoons a week before my classes and many of those hours may not have anyone who wants tutored so I can spend that time on my study.

I am about ready to get a new computer. Best Buy store in bigtown has an Emachine for under $400 with printer and cd writer. Just as soon as I learn to back up the stuff I have on this machine to 3.5 floppies, I think I will get it. I want to make sure it has a USB port or 2 on the front or else get an adaptor on a pigtail. I get so tired of pulling every thing out to change whatevers. I want to hook up the cheap little Argus digital I bought last year.

800 has gone hunting again today. Yesterday he had a sure thing, he thought, but the buck disappeared behind a tree in 800's vision and never reappeared. He said it must have used the tree to block its turn. It has happened before to him, just like that. I thought he might be glad that there wasn't a carcass in the pickup to hang in the shop and then skin, but no--- tired bones and mind would have disappeared in the excitement of the kill. Aren't men funny?

I need to go to Walmart while it is still early. Veteran's Day is only for the banks and mail around here, even to celebrations..there are a couple of potlucks for vets and families but no public ceremonies. Thanks anyway, guys...you're the greatest in my book!!


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