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Monday, Nov. 10, 2003 - 4:11 p.m.

I'm excited!!!

I am getting my schedule ready for Spring semester which starts Jan 19. everything is falling into place. I shall only have to go to Bigtown campus once a week from 6-9, Tuesdays, and our local campus Wednesday afternoon, then Bible study, Thursday afternoon and evening. I shall take 2 classes on the internet and have Activity by Contract Water aerobics every morning at 9 am. I think I only have to do a couple of days a week of that but will go as often as I can for my knee's sake. I can tutor Wed and Thur from 1 to 4. If You are agreeable to these plans, that is what I shall do for the next few months.

Something is wrong with my journal here. It only appears as a blank white page, but if I can get to my Profile, I can make new entries. I don't know where they go, but the Diaryland guy says they can be restored if I make a request. So I have done so, now to wait til someone gets the request. It has something to do with the html.

Paid another month's rent for 800. I hope to do this for a while til she finds her footing again. She is going to vocational rehaba and hopefully will be able to support herself and the children soon. Whether she makes the high wages she did as a nurse, or gets a lesser wage won't make much difference. They spent everything she made with nothing much to show for it. Just won't have so much to spend. If she cannot handle working again, I hope the SS kicks in quickly. We could have them move in here permanently or put a trailer temporarily in the back, but that would not be ideal for anyone. She needs to be as independent as she can for as long as she can. Besides, she is a type A just like her daddy, and while they get along just fine, too much closeness strains that. You know just what You want to accomplish with all this so I am leaving it where it belongs.... with You!!


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