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Tuesday, Oct. 14, 2003 - 10:16 a.m.

Grace notes

Isn't that a lovely phrase? I don't know precisely what it means. Little notes in the music that don't have to be there but add to the melody, I think. 2d will know and I have seen them in the hymn book. That is what the closing days of my factory life seem like. The pain is bearable right now. Each night is filled with satisfaction and as I look back over the last 10 years, I can see Your hand at work in my life.

I was so frightened at what might lie ahead when I started, and so unsure about how the path would untangle itself, with graveyard work, daytime training and private school teaching soon to start. All I knew was that a door had opened and I was going to walk through and not alone.

I wasn't sure I could bear up under two full time jobs so I asked 2s what days would be best for me. He thought Wednesday and Thursday would make sure that I would never have to work more than 2 days in a row at both jobs. I knew that I could hang on through anything for 2 days. Those were exactly the days the supervisor assigned me without even knowing I desired them. Another open door! The years have been full of them and each time I walked through. Never in full confidence and surety, but always knowing You would be with me. Some doors that opened closed a short time later but each time with gentleness as I turned around and started anew.

I thought my heart would break when I left school even though I knew it was Your plan. I loved it so much, but You replaced all the things I loved with more of what I loved. Here I am at another door. And here I go about to walk through it. Following You.


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