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Saturday, Oct. 18, 2003 - 11:44 a.m.

Saturday stuff

This is the world's Saturday and I am full of satisfaction. In a few hours, I will go to bed and rise for my Monday but right now I am reveling in a perfect Saturday. I had several options for today. The church ladies are gathering this am to make assorted cards to send to the missionaries. Each lady is to make the pieces necessary to assemble 57 cards then all gather together to finish them. Since I am not crafty at all, I opted out of the day. 2d spent 3 hours making Thank You phrases and scrapbook cuttings to assemble for her part after a 12 hour work day, 6 hrs office work and 6 hrs music lessons.

She is not crafty either but puts together passable things. Both of us would rather send money. But the social aspect is good, and she will have a profitable time for character building. I have all the character I need, thank you. We had a good visit last night at midnite as she showed me what she had concocted. 1d called this am and will be stopping by soon. She is preparing to go to Portland Monday with 800 for a week of testing.

D has gone to an away soccer game, his last I think. I scrubbed the kitchen floor, and did a little of the fall work on the deck, cleaned the fans, and put sacks around them to store for the winter. The counters are cleared and clean and I shall go up and cook burgers and fries for us 2 old 'uns in a few minutes. Have the final load of clothes in the washer, and a bed to make before I crawl in. This family room has been straightened and food put away in the shelves for storage. Garbage has been gathered up, and the table beside me cleared off in case lab friends need to come over for math help.

It has been a good day. Help me to remember it when you-know-what breaks loose as it could any moment.


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