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Thursday, Oct. 02, 2003 - 10:05 a.m.

Un-original thought

I have been lazy in my journal lately but is is so nice to have somewhere to save neat thngs I read in someplace other than the top of my desk. I posted the Dick Morris letter about Bush on an Oregon bulletin board and have been amazed again at the responses. I post things there once in a while just to let the readers know that there are some folks who aren't liberal greenies who smoke funny things and have unusual love lives.

The ones who post favorable comments usually do so politely, but the disagreers are always vituperative and crude. Why is that? Has it always been that way or is the cultural divide getting more inflamed? The left has had it their way for a long time now, mainly because the right has been the silent majority. Kind of like a rich cousin. Poor cousins can nip around your heels and say nasty things and you don't really need to reply. Poor cousin can actually get to the place where he thinks he rules the roost. Then rich cousin finally deigns to look down and puts a stop to the foolishness.

The lefties in Oregon (or where ever) get so indignant to find someone who doesn't buy the party line that their insults smoke on the page! How funny!

Maybe I am oversimplifying the issue, but on this particular web site, the difference between conservative and liberal is marked. I was watching Charlie Rose last night before going to work, and I noticed the same thing there. The man who was expressing himself so unusually was probably well educated so why couldn't he express his disagreement in measured tones without insults, etc? I am puzzled, but reluctant to pass it off as what is expected from those who disagree with me!


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