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Wednesday, Sept. 24, 2003 - 10:02 a.m.


Another day(my night-time) doing absolutely nothing beneficial. Oh, I did make my bed and then I got right in it. And I did watch While You Were Sleeping for the leventy-leventh time. Poor 2d and 800 pretty well fend for themselves mealwise. But they are big kids.

I think I am due for another cortisone shot in my knee. Better get one now while I still have insurance. At work I am spending breaks and lunches helping my team leader with math. She is doing fractions now and is tryng to find common denominators, and is having a terrible time. She has not yet been convinced that she needs to learn the times tables. Since she cannot use her calculator in the classroom or on tests, she doesn't use it when I help her, but I know she uses a calculator and a cheat sheet with tables up to 12 when she is doing her assignments at home. Why do I expect that she will believe me any more than the kids in my learning center did? Force is the only way to convince most people and it is highly unlikely that I will use force on a boss. I always had to require students take a sheet home at night with math multiplication tables for homework, and bring it back the next morning filled out or receive a detention.

It is probably good for me to be helping her right now. That will definitely help me decide whether I want to sign up for tutoring when I enroll for classes. If I get my fill of it now and decide it is not for me, I won't have to be stuck with something I dread for a semester.

Well, off to bed I go.


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