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Sunday, Sept. 21, 2003 - 2:40 p.m.

Rum Tum Tigger

Isn't that a delightful name. T S Eliot had such a way with words and names. I guess I need to watch Cats again and also Andrew Lloyd Weber's 50th birthday video. I read the other day that Antonio Banderas won't be playing Phantom of the Opera. What a disappointment!

cs gave us a lovely big cabbage, one for 1d and one for us. I made some of ours into coleslaw and served it with barbequed pork, baked potatoes and corn on the cob for dinner today. 1d and the kids didn't come over today. She is feeling frazzled. I hope she will be ok until she gets to the university hospital. The kids are good but they are still a handful for someone whose brain is fried.

d had quite an adventure last night. He was running on the school track in the evening, about 2 blocks from his house when 4 kids from b showed up and proceeded to spray paint the littletown school spirit rock. d came up to them and asked if he could help,too. When they gave him the spray can, he proceeded to spray them with the paint. Then he took off running. It is a good thing he can run fast. Naturally he thought it was hilarious and so did his coach.


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