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Saturday, Sept. 20, 2003 - 2:04 p.m.

My Book of Days

That is a lovely song by Enya and reminds me of Far and Away. My own isn't nearly so attractive. I am just making a list.

Woke and spent an hour filling my pill box and cleaning off my desk. Gathered up and sorted various items like papers for insurance, papers for retirement, papers for WIA schooling, got out assorted watches and mixed batteries til I found one to fit in a watch whose band I liked. Helped my team leader with fractions on the phone. LCDs. Sometimes one has to go right to the bottom to learn things. But the same solid basics apply whether it is eight fifty-sixths or 27 x squared y to the fourth plus 83 xy to the second plus 192. Mowed the lawn while 2d did the trimming. Had a lunch of burritos, chips and salsa. Washed a few load of clothes. Found a phone number in another state for 2d. Declined her offer to go to the r library ( I must be sick) fooled around here for an hour. Now I will go to bed and go to work at 11 for my Monday.

Round and round the mulberry bush------


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