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Tuesday, Sept. 16, 2003 - 10:21 a.m.

Critic's Corner

Recent purchases have been a mixed bag.

Turkey bacon--Tastes like fried tagboard. It has fat strips and lean and all tastes like fried tagboard. It will join my list of absolutely useless meats, right along with proscuitto, liver mush and calf brains.

CD Opera Babes--The jury is still out on this one. I saw 2 English women on Good Morning, America this summer. They were the Opera Babes and had just released a CD. It seems they sang opera on the streets of London. As they sang a selection, I realized they were singing harmony, not necessarily an opera duet which is quite common but harmony as in soprano and alto. I was enchanted and determined to watch for the CD. 2d was not greatly impressed with the songs. I have only listened to 4 so far and I can see why she may be less than enchanted. The sound is very much the same from song to song. I really liked Pie Jesu as sung by Charlotte Church and friend and Sara Brightman and friend, and 2d and friend. The harmony there was spine-chilling. Nothing these ladies sang was of that caliber but I haven't listened to the whole thing yet.

A purchase I am looking forward to is Josh Groban's new one to be released this month or next. Since my birthday is in October, I think I had better wait to see what 2d gets me. She makes a habit of getting me things I have been obsessing about like Wild Musk perfume and angry bluebird t-shirts.


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