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Wednesday, Sept. 17, 2003 - 10:29 a.m.

That time again

Yes, it is flannel nightie time. I love it when the weather is finally chilly enough to get out the flannels. And it was very chilly this morning when I got off work. If we could see the mountain, there might be snow on it, but it was wearing a very thick cloud cover. 800 went hunting and made sure he had his long johns on. He took his new 22 rifle. Actually it is old, but new to him. Exactly like his first one but with a sight that works.

A woman had a dreadful accident at work yesterday. Got her hand caught in a belt and wrapped around the shaft. The only things still connected were the ligament and large artery, but the surgeons were able to reattach it and feeling is back already. She was reaching to get a piece of product out of the belt, a real no-no. As our crew gets smaller and smaller, the work gets heavier and heavier, and the stress gets higher and higher, we must be careful.

1d cannot go West to the university hospital until the middle of October. Her brain is sucking up all the Dilantin she is taking but the doc is not increasing the dosage. She says too much activity starts the pre-seizure symptoms again, but is calm about it. She and the children looked so good Sunday as they sat with us in church. She has lost lots of weight and is starting to be my pretty girl again. 2d went horseback riding up the mountain after church and 1d helped me get the dinner ready and then stayed right beside me while I washed and she dried the dishes. It was like old times. Thank You, Father, for all You have done in my girl's life this year.


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