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Saturday, Aug. 23, 2003 - 12:42 p.m.

Mental baby steps

Lots of written excitement about recent decisions by religious bodies. There hasn't been much written by anyone who might have any truth to share. Most writers have been those who were heavily influenced (knowingly or not) by the existentialist crowd. Hippies were not the only product of the 60's. A whole lot of folks came out of that era thinking (or not) there were no absolutes. Matters of interpretation--if it feels good, do it--and on and on and on.

I have only one suggestion for all the so-called seekers of that kind of truth as it relates to God. Get His Book and read, read, read it. Make it such a part of your life that its statements become the first thing that comes to mind when any questionable topic or situation comes up. Read, read, read it again and again. It doesn't need any special commentary; the One who wrote it, the One whom it became, and the One who works it out in us children's lives will do all the commenting necessary. All we have to do is read, listen and keep our mouths shut until we know the truth. And by the way, the truth doesn't set us free, it makes us free. That is a lot taller order.


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