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Friday, Aug. 22, 2003 - 11:45 a.m.

Baby steps

Started the first steps towards a new life yesterday. I filled out WIA paper and left them at the Job Service. I called first and happened to get the counselor called Jennifer whom Chet had recommended when I asked who could get me the most money for the least amount of work. As I chatted merrily away, she informed me that she knew me. She had been the lab tech hired just before I was but she left a year later. I felt just like I do when I run into a former student. Before the conversation was over, she had gone from telling me that I would be assigned randomly to a counselor to telling me to put her name on the papers. I also stopped at the college to get a list of classes for Library Science and a schedule.

I'm not so sure a Library Science degree is the way to go. From the info gathered, an AA only qualifies one to be a shelver, a BA or MA is needed for anything that pays more that $7 or $8 an hour. However that may be just what I need. I really don't need a career and I don't want a really labour intensive new job because of my knees. I just need something to carry me over to age 65. Anything that pays more than $6000 a year will replace a year when I worked for very little at private school..unemployment will pay at least $10,00 a year while I am taking classes, and that will kill two birds with one stone. Finding a job that would have benefits and that I would enjoy doing would be nice though. I hope taking classes will suit me. I know that when the work starts, I shall once again be driven to get A's. Lots of extra home work and obsessiveness.

The actual library classes will all be in big town, 40 miles away. Other credits needed for the total are available locally and some may even be on the Internet which is my most wanted choice. Maybe that will even give me an excuse to get a new computer. Walmart had a great one for under $400 but sold out. I wasn't quite ready to grovel for permission though so that is ok.

The only bad thing about the baby steps was the supercilious attitude from those who think sitting behind an information desk handing out forms makes them someone brilliantly wiser than those acquiring further education. If they were really so educated, they wouldn't have a service job!


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