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Tuesday, Aug. 19, 2003 - 12:37 p.m.

Mamma's little rosebud

That is what I called him when he was a baby. He was my third son, third child in 30 months, and an easy keeper. A full tummy and a dry bottom kept him pretty jolly. Big dark lashed eyes, a curly topknot and rosy cheeks made him adorable and he has been a blessing all his life. A child of good understanding, one of 2 that I have.

Not perfect--not even close. But I don't worry much about 3s. He is 40 now, tall and looking alot like Tom Selleck but with a deeper voice. Easy going but not weak, non-confrontational, but not easily pushed around. He is the brightest of all my children, with teachers saying early on that he should be a lawyer or doctor. However that would never happen because of an area in which he is not perfect. He does not like responsibility. That comes out in a most unusual way, though. Instead of acting irresponsible in life's arena, he chooses not to participate in things that involve too much responsibility. Marriage is the biggest area. He has had 3 serious girlfriends in his life, all Christian, any one of whom would have gladly accepted a proposal.

He is not a man of loose relationships. Like others of my children, he has chosen to sublimate many of his natural desires and submit to Your rule over that area of his life. But in some ways, that has just been the easiest way to take. He finished 3 years of Bible school, but is shy in public situations and never felt called to stand up and speak. One year he did want to go to the Philippines, but was reluctant to try the deputation ordeal. He was an excellent trumpet player, but always followed the lead of his oldest brother, playing very well in duets and trios, but never alone. He is a natural athlete, and plays hockey year round for several teams, but always holds a little back.

Unlike my oldest son who gave everything he had for anything he tried, 3s only plays when he knows he can win. He may lack self-confidence. 800 say that he 'two fingers' everything rather than grabbing on with all five.

In any case, he has matured into a man to lean upon, when you can get next to him! He is the only one who can chastise 1d and get away with it. She actually listens to him and sometimes cries in repentance. They are only 13 months apart, and he pushed her around in her walker when he could barely toddle himself, at least as long as she would let him steal her bottle!

He has a large brick home 150 miles away and his big brother and 2 little sisters often use it as a weekend getaway which is ok with him as that gives him just enough family life to keep him from getting lonely. He has lots of men friends whose wives are always trying to set him up with someone. He earns a good living but is frugal with his money, altho he always has a new pickup and just the latest in hunting gear. He is also generous with it. If we had a major emergency, I know he would be there with his checkbook. In fact he often mentioned loaning 800 enough to get a new pickup. He bought 1d her last car and she paid him back over the next 2 years. He was very firm about getting timely payments from her, but gave me $1000 this spring for 2 months rent and an insurance premium for her. I could have made those payments myself as I have been doing with the other months and bills but it was a help.

He called this morning as he passed on the freeway, taking his empty truck back to his hometown on his weekly run to replenish his distributorship in the eastern part of our state. Did we need more money for her? Nope, we are doing fine, and will let him know if we get in a tight spot with her bills and her next medical trip to Portland. Sometimes I worry about his going into middle age alone, but not much. He is busy, happy and contented and so am I.

----He is also the only one who has ever hunted the elephant in the living room.


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