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Friday, Aug. 15, 2003 - 3:04 p.m.

Too hot

Yesterday, it was in the triple digits and today is more of the same. Noon is the time to shut up the house and I usually turn on the air conditioner in the bedroon about 4. Today I turned it on when I shut up the house. It is now cooling down at night so the heat is not unbearable as long as we don't have to go out in the daytime.

I went to the parade with 1d, the kids and a couple of her neighbors. They like her so much and I am glad she has friends in litletown. After the parade, we went over to the fair for an hour to see if d had won any ribbons for his paintings. Both had blues! He was pleased because the competition was stiffer. I know he is dreading coming over here while his mom is in Oregon, but he is being gracious about it. We'll have to keep him occupied.

S is running for rodeo princess and the winner will be chosen tonite. She looked so nice riding her horse in the parade and her mom took a greater interest in it this year. She and 2s both went to the special breakfast where the contestants gave their speeches. S invited me, but it may have caused awkwardness so I didn't go. We heard there was standing room only so I am glad I left room for others.

I am starting to get excited about the idea of getting a Library Science degree. Middletown's head librarian is already hinting about volunteering for committees and also about part-time work. I have gone there every two weeks for 30 years, checking out a box of 10-15 books. The summers we went away with 800 to build fence or clear power lines, the library gave me permission to take 5 or 6 big boxes of books with me. I never took new ones, just packed boxes with older books, all of an author's work. I had an enjoyable time going through my borrowed boxes, but also going to new libraries in Montana, or buying paper backs at weekend sales.

I spent much of yesterday, fixing the video set up upstairs and down. It took 2 remotes for downstairs, one to turn on the TV and adjust volume and another to run the VCR and change channels. My handy duct tape and fingernail polish was used along with a long piece of string I attached to the VCR remote. Grands usually use that one and have a habit of misplacing it which makes 800 growl loudly. I was having leadin wire problems in the master bedroom and got a little better picture on 2 stations. I don't hardly ever watch anything but videos, but I do like to watch PBS and Nightline before I go to work. It is not satisfactory yet, but the bull dog hasn't given up.

Found a re-issue of Misty of the Chincoteague at Walmart. The story wasn't much; Marguerite Henry and Wesley Dennis did a much better job with the book but the scenery was very interesting and the horses delightful.

I have all of her horse stories. King of the Wind is my all time favorite. Arabians are such exquisite creatures. To think I owned one for 10 years! It saddens me to think of his and his mother's final years, but only for my sake. I know they were as contented as horses can be. His mother ended her years ranging free in mountain pastures just as she always wanted to be, free from human encumbrances. His years were spent as the petted horse of 5 kids, which is what would have satisfied him greatly since he always loved people. I have never allowed myself to pine after a horse since those years. Love from afar is all my heart can stand. The horses we have had since have always been the family's, not mine.


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