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Thursday, Aug. 14, 2003 - 10:43 a.m.

Still bad

1d is not out of the woods yet with health problems. The dilantin she has been taking for seizures is not holding and the dosages have had to be increased several times. Her neurologist says something in her braim is sucking it up fast and has now recommended her to the University of Oregon neurology department.

In the meantime she has been driving, living at her place with her 15 and 5 year olds, going into the gov't agency that has her on some of its programs, attending their rehab classes and filling out applications for jobs. She cannot nurse now and may not ever be able to again. Personally I think the damage to her frontal lobes and the added stress of being a single parent at this stage, plus no income and no future is causing the depletion of whatever the dilantin is affecting.

She and 800 will have to go back to Portland again, this time to find a place to live for a week or so. I am so glad I have been able to work and save these last few months even while helping her out. The kids will have to move back in while they are gone, and if school starts before all this is finished, 2d and I will have to make runs out to little town 3 times a day. 2d once in the am to take d and e to school, me at noon to get e then care for her the rest of the day and 2d or me at 3 to pick up d. Perhaps I can just go over to their place after picking up e, lie down and nap while we wait for d to get out of school. We can all pull together.

On a lighter side, folks my size and age don't go skinny-dipping, we go chunky-dunking according to bonnie!

I also re-cleaned my mouse and it is working fine. Now I will take back the 2 mouses-mice that I bought and can't get loaded.


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