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Sunday, Aug. 31, 2003 - 3:14 p.m.

Home alone August

Alone but not for long. 800 took 2d to bigtown with him for a regular service at a care center he usually just has a Bible study at. She plays any hymn asked for with full embellishments and that is a great blessing. Lots of folks absent at our church today so she just picked an old song Trusting Jesus and sang it with various styles of accompaniment on the piano. The scrimping and saving ( and practice time nagging) that was spent on her was not a waste. She still takes piano and voice lessons from the premier teachers of our area and has started violin lessons a while back also. I guess you are never too old to learn. Miss D from Bible school took off in the summers to go back to eastern Canada for lessons and she was in her 70's and a master at the piano.

We heard one of the best messages I have ever heard on law and grace from Galatians 1,2,3,4,5. Only 10 adults and a handful of children. I won't say it was wasted on us few. Rather that we shared a wealth that few had access to. I am afraid that most in our area had a diet of Psalms. Not that there is any thing wrong with Psalms. They have encouraged my soul and lifted my heart many times but they aren't the meat and potatoes of life. We few have such a rich and varied diet at our small fellowship. I hope our pastor never feels discouraged or looks at numbers as proof of his abilities. It is God who is speaking so clearly and the banquet is open to all. Sometimes I feel ashamed to be so puny after such wonderful meals.

In fact, I have been fed extrememly well all my spiritual life with only a few periods of skimpy dinners or unbalanced menus. I should be a giant of the faith. For sure I have alot to be accountable for.


EE's devotional

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