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Thursday, Jul. 17, 2003 - 9:59 a.m.


Racking my brain, trying to think of a current event that I have an opinion on at the moment. My head is empty. I do have an opinion on going upstairs, lying down and watching The Postman. The book by David Brin was excellent, and the movie was good also. Poor Kevin Costner. Some of his choices are not very popular with the public. I guess you can't win 'em all. I really liked Field of Dreams, Postman, Robin Hood,Waterworld, and Dances with Wolves. I have watched each many times, especially Robin Hood. I did not enjoy Message in a Bottle or Dragonfly. Definitely would not watch either again.

It is a lovely summer morning. The air smells so fresh and the lawn is fresh mowed and watered. I must remember to tell 800 how nice it looks. He did it all this time. I was willing to mow Monday but he wanted to water first and the rest of my week is full, mostly of pain. Right now I have a very red quartersized swelling by my anklebone. 1d says it may be a bone chip working its way to the surface.

I think this earthly tabernacle is wearing out. I always thought I might me a radish rather than an oak, but I hope I am not a 21 day radish. I am not afraid of dying but You know what a poor traveller I am. I hate to pack and I don't like the trip but once I am settled in, I love the new place.


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