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Tuesday, Jul. 15, 2003 - 6:16 p.m.

Good news

1d has permission to drive and work very part time and lightly. She and the children are still here but they will be going to their home permanently soon. She is taking pretty massive doses of the med that keeps her from having seizures so there is still a definite problem in her brain, but she is steadily losing weight and putting her life in order.

I gave her money to renew her license and registration, and got lher a new battery and 800 got her car running again so she is all set. Her bosses are deciding if there is a job she can do in the paper work area instead of as a charge nurse on the floor. If there is none, she will not be able to work for a while yet. Health and Welfare may give her a living allowance for a while if that happens. I am grateful for the progress she has made. I know how close we came to losing her and I thank You for allowing her to stay with us a while longer. Help her now to help herself.

In the meantime, 2d is preparing herself to strike out on her own. She just passed her 29th birthday and sees a need to prepare for her future, home wise. It is probably a good idea, but I will miss her greatly at first. Life changes though and we must change with it. I wonder what day to day life will be like this time next year.


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