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Saturday, Jul. 19, 2003 - 3:21 p.m.

Les Miserables

How did I miss such gorgeous music? As I analyzed bits of info, I think I found out. How this whole thing developed was because of a CD Bobby Ann made in big town. She sang some songs from Les Mis and gave them to her voice teacher (2d) to listen to, who then gave them to me. Castle in the Clouds was charming and so was On My Own. The melodies, and rhyming were enchanting. Another that I forgot the name of mentioned the tigers that come out at night with roars as soft as thunder. As I mentioned how much I liked the songs to 2d she got out her music book with a synopsis of the play and all the songs. Then I found out why I had missed this particular event. I had even thought of borrowing the video from the library but have put aside that idea. I read Victor Hugo's novel in my teens and hated it. It was such a downer and for the past 43 years, I have had no desire to repeat the experience. Reading the synopsis brought back the whole distasteful book and also the animalistic flavor of the French Revolution. How the lyricists managed to create such nice music for such a depraved play is beyond me.

2d and I reflected on the differences between the revolutions in Europe and our own American Revolution. For the most part, the oppressed in America did not wreak vengeance on women and children of the enemy as the French peasants did. In fact, in reading historical accounts of the period, alot of folks who knew better gave into their cruel inclinations and did unspeakable things in France. Granted, the aristocracy was effete, debauched and overbearing, but surely they could have been overthrown without the senseless bloodshed.

Once again I am proud to be an American. We are a noble people, even considering our mongrel roots. A class act doesn't depend on what class you were born into; it depends on what's inside.


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