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Thursday, Jul. 03, 2003 - 2:30 p.m.

Lazy days and nights

I should feel guilty for doing so little the last few days, but I don't. Making the bed and doing the dishes with a very little bit of cooking and sweeping has been the extent of my duties. It's nice being in the sixties.

800 got a lovely patio screen yesterday at Home Depot for under $50. I was very pleased to pay for it as he shopped for it and hauled it back and installed it. It has an adjustable top and bottom by which one may be sure it fits into the space. I could have had one made at 3 or 4 stores here in town for about $100. I'm glad I waited. The next repair on the horizon in the water bed. It has a very tiny leak so I just keep an eye on it but I need to get the job done before going back to work on the 10th. 1d and 2d are going to the church picnic at Mz's. 1d is taking a nice green salad so she will be sure she has something on her diet and 2d is taking a Death by Chocolate cake. She takes that kind up to the ski lodge every year and it is always such a hit that she makes it her speciality. That along with the tomato pie and lemon bars sets her well above her mother in the culinary arts. I do very well in the traditional dinner, meat, potatoes, gravy category but that is about as far as my talents go.

2d brought us a lovely 40 pound box of spuds that a customer brought into work. I am looking forward to making some homemade french fries but thus far have fallen asleep each afternoon waiting for 800 to return from where ever he has gone to. Maybe tonite. He and I are not going out to the picnic. He is feeling more and more awkward eating before others, we are not very social critters, and our children need experiences without dragging us along. It will be the 15 year past 1s' death and is perhaps a sad memory for 800. My sad memories are not confined to a certain date. We will watch the fireworks when it gets dark and then watch Independence Day..1d and kids will be here to watch it also so that will make it a bit more special. I have been looking for The Postman but can't find it lately. It was a much better book than show, but I enjoy the show also. It and Last of the Mohicans are probably my two favorite things to watch. Atlas Shrugged and The Fountainhead top the category in the book realm except for the Lymond Chronicles by Dunnett. All five of those items bring along much heavy thinking so they are not everyday entertainment material. I find it odd that spiritual books are not on my favorite lists. Elisabeth Elliot is about the only author I have much use for in the spiritual realm as far as light reading goes. I don't even try to categorize some of the giants of the spiritual writing world, Tozer, Maxwell, Keller---I never read those for entertainment. They are too necessary. Much of my reading consists of printed potato chips, very tasty but not necessary for life.


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