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Monday, Jun. 30, 2003 - 7:14 p.m.


The first day of 10 off....It was hot all nite. Each time we would go outside for break or to the other lab, it would be warmer outside than in. That does not bode well for the next few days. Downstairs at the computer here is cool, and I can turn the air conditioner on in the bedroom, but kitchen work and eating have to be done to the hum of fans. Sitting outside on the deck or down on the lawn in the glider gets way to hot. Hopefully the farmer will need to keep his alfalfa wet so the lawn and flowers will get some water too.

I have no projects planned for the next 10 days. Except-------the little green notebook that I have all my books catalogued in has turned up missing. It stays in my purse most of the time so I can check the list when I am at used book stores or garage sales. Sometimes I move it here by the computer when checking out ebay, but it is in neither place right now. I have looked extensively for it but no luck so far. It is not irreplaceable, but will take much effort to duplicate. I will have to get each big box out, with up to 50 books in it and remake my list. Of course I have accumulated 5 or 6 boxes of books to add to the collection so I have needed to open the boxes anyway


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