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Saturday, Jun. 28, 2003 - 10:05 a.m.

Paid for playing around

I have been on seg this week and except for intermittent moments have had a slow week. So I have spent some extra time transferring files needed on seg into my Outlook folder. Audit sheet forms, bag and case weights, product lists, and putting different printers on my log in. There are 3 different computers we have to do with and it gets a little tiresome switching back and forth. I can understand doing the colored Audit Review forms on the big one at the back lab, but surely there is a way to use the one right next to my computer to print out lab sheets which are 2 sided and on legal size paper..We deal with an intranet and an internet, plus and Excel spreadsheet and a special program for transmitting information about good and bad product to the freezer warehouse. That particular program is much like DOS and I can get lost fast. I guess I am a Windows girl.

This is Regatta weekend. The races will start up soon and when they do, the bedroom will shake and resound with the noise of the motors. There is a special effect the noise has, much like lan adrenalin rush. When we first moved here, we would go over to the river lot and spread out blankets and watch. That got boring and we then only went over when the big,big boats raced. Now we only listen. I can even sleep through the races. It is a good thing, because Friday is time trial day and Saturday and Sunday are the actual races. Hundreds and hundreds of people gather at the park directly across the river to watch the boats race around lthe island between us. Lots of food and beer booths add into the concoction to make for a merry day. The voices carry well across the river. Every year there is some new twist in casual dress and I do mean casual. Topless was tried one year, but discouraged by the authorities quickly. Body painting was hot one. I have never gone into the park. Reading the paper and seeing the pictures of the crowd is always enough for me.


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