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Thursday, Jun. 26, 2003 - 9:59 a.m.


Did I mention that all who stay until final shutdown with no more than 1 absence get a bonus? One thousand dollars for 95 to 100 %, $750 for lesser %, $500 for even lesser. Not only that, but the ones remaining share in the lost bonuses of those who either quit or have absences. At first that is about $5 for each person missing the bonus, but raises as the group goes down in number. Of course, that doesn't compare any way to the $5000 the mechanics are getting but it is beyond expectations. Naturally, getting the bonus means one is out of a job--oh well!

I don't even have any plans to do anything special with a bonus. I guess I need to dig up a dream.

I had my hair cut short yesterday. I can just barely gather it up in a ponytail now. The shortest it has been in years, but I was so tired of rolling on it at night and the headaches of wearing it up all the time. I may even go shorter! When I was 16, I cut my hair to about 3 inches all over and brushed it forward around my face. It looked very nice and we call that style a 'pixie' but those days and that body are long gone. My plans several years ago when I started to get grey in earnest were to grow the hair long and wear it up. Well, that makes my head hurt and I usually just pull it back. Since that looks somewhat like short hair, I just decided to do the real thing. It is just hair and it grows. I noticed no one was interested in saving the strands for Locks of Love. It was in good condition but the color is probably not in much demand.

2d is in a much better mood this week. Her 29th birthday has passed and with it passed much of the dismal outlook she had. It botheres her when folks comment on still living at home, but as she go out and looked at various options, reality set in. Much cheaper to continue on like this for a while. Her life is fairly separate from ours except on Sundays, so only the address is the same. But it is hard to look down into the future some years and just see more of the same. I'm praying something very special crops up for her.


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