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Saturday, Jun. 14, 2003 - 3:40 p.m.

Place holder

I like the idea of a place holder. Just checking in, reaffirming I am alive and in various stages of well. actually opening my eyes and swinging my legs over the side of the waterbed is a very good place holder. My life right now consists of going to work 11:30 pm, coming home 8:30 am, going to bed and reading for a bit then sleeping til time to get up to go back to work. Only in my mind do I really have a life! But that is plenty good enough for now.

800 got a new pickup yesterday. Well new for him. It is a Ford Ranger 4x4 club cab, 2000, 29000 miles, forest green, CD player, tape player, air conditioner, bed liner, cute little seats that fold up in back of front seats,and priced well below book so that the credit union gave the whole price to him with no down payment. I didn't have to have it taken out of my check, it will come out of his SS each month. He is so tickled and I am glad for him. I paid the insurance and will continue to do so. This way I can still leave room in case we have to hook up to city water or drill a deeper well. Now I hope we can get rid of the Lincoln. It is such a beautiful thing even as old as it is, but is showing its age under cover and just isn't worth getting dinged to death witrh repairs.

When 800 is happy, everyone else is too. When he is not, look out!!! When I am happy, who cares?---actually who knows? Well I guess one could check out the smile on my face as I sleep. I have almost abdicated meal cooking. This is after cooking breakfast, lunch and supper for 40 years.

I received Employee of the month for graveyard. $50 gift certificate to a yuppie restauarant and a nice polo shirt. I can hardly wait to try some French Onion soup there. 2d had it last year on my birthday. It was served in a little crock, with cheese baked on the top.

Guess this wasn't a place holder, after all.


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