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Friday, Jun. 20, 2003 - 2:20 p.m.

The druggie

Just finished my 12 hour shift about a bath ago. when I finish up here I shall heat up a pizza and go to bed to read a bit then sleep for the next shift. This 12 hour shift was relatively painless, thanks to drugs. I have some pretty potent ones that I have saved from random surgeries and dentist visits. Percodan that made 1d sick, Tylenol 3 that 2d refused to take after a root canal, Diclofenac that I took the last months before my knee replacement, and my personal favorite, Hydrocodone. I hoard them carefully, using them only when the pain gets close to unbearable or I know I must be prepared. Last night was one of those nights.... After having a weekend off that was anything but restful, I started the new week in pain. Anticipating the long shift, I took the diclofenac before leaving home, and took the hydrocodone 6 hours later. The night passed bearably. It would be nice to have these pills to rely on all the time. But I think I am much better off saving the big guns for special emergencies. In any case, this is the first post-12 hour shift in a long time that hasn't seen me collapsed in bed in great pain, often too bad to sleep.

I would like a better quality of life but for right now, this is the path You have set me on. Healing would be nice, but not necessary for contentment. Just daily provision of strength and endurance is enough if that is what You want for me.

1d and the 2 kids are spending the day at her house. This is the first time since April that she has been without 800 or me in close call. I think the great fear she had about having another bad seizure is passing. D is old enough to get help if she needed it, and they will be back tonite. Boy, it is quiet around here. I urged her to try the Department of Health and Welfare for some help in this time. They sped things up and gave her $500 of food stamps (actually an electronic bank account) What a blessing! It will probably only be for this month if she can go back to work, but will resupply her cupboards. She was stunned and wondered how she would spend $500 for food in a month. I know she will be a wise steward in this area. I hope she will be able to go on with her job and get back into the routine of living. Going on to Social Security at her age would be discouraging. I have paid her rent, much of her co-payments for medical expenses, utilities and starting last week, her insurance premiums. You have provided funds to do this but I am grateful for some extra help.


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