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Tuesday, Jun. 10, 2003 - 12:24 p.m.

No more denial

We will be wrapping up our work at the plant this winter. At the 'back to work' meeting, 4 possible times were mentioned but not by date. My guess would be before harvest, after harvest, Thanksgiving, or Christmas. It would make sense to shut down before a holiday to avoid holiday pay, but this closure has never been about sense. Lots of folks asking about the Job Service programs. The team leader called me frantically yesterday after work. She had been treated 'rudely' by the WIA person at the Job service and felt they would now bury her file. I could tell by the deep breathing she would occasionally do on the phone that she was trying hard to control herself. And I can see why she was upset. Those of us who held on to our positions through 3 layoffs can see the writing on the wall now. She has a recently purchased home, and a recently purchased car and probably has payments on those clase to $900 a month. Our unemployment will probably be just about that much and she has reason to feel panicky. Even though she has had responsible positions at the plant, was a phlebotomist in CA and had an office job in NYC, she has no high school diploma and the retraining programs will not even let her enroll until she has a GED. We talked for about an hour about options, consequences and first steps. She is going to take some of the GED tests this week while she is on vacation.

'Do the next thing' is usually as far as I can see, but it usually works. By the time the 'next thing' is done, there is usually another 'next thing'. Financially, I shall survive the layoff, barring major catastrophe. The Lincoln is losing the transmission again, and 800's diesel is about done for. I do not want to have to pay for more repairs or a new vehicle contract, so I shall drag my feet in those areas. We may have to go down to one vehicle a sacrifice a bit. Most of my extra money has gone to keeping 1d and kids afloat until she can go back to work. I have paid 2 months of rent and utilities for her so far, and have fed 3 extra mouths and been glad to be able to, but the well situation is worsening and available savings must go to that eventually. Unemployment checks and retirement can keep me going almost 2 years, then perhaps I can get a lesser job until my 65th. By then circumstances may have really changed so I don't see much use worrying.

One step at a time. "Thy Word is a lamp unto my feet and a light unto my path." Those lights referred to in that verse were tiny lamps that fastened to the shoe in Bible times and illuminated only the next step. I can handle that. Help me to faithful to what I can see.

The winds of change are blowing. 'Be still my heart, the wind is blowing again...' I'll have to look for the rest of the words to that song.


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