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Saturday, May. 24, 2003 - 4:00 p.m.

My kind of holiday

The kids all left this am to go to Featherville for the day. Fishing, goldpanning, 4wheeling, relaxing. Sounds exhausting! 800 and I stayed here. He did yard work and I cleaned. Got rid of 3 big bags of clothes from my closet. Feels good to downsize. 1d and kids are still here. We are all ticking along fairly well in spite of an occasional kerfluffle. She had bloodwork done yesterday to see if the meds are holding so she can go back to her home. She's had no seizures this week and is staying on her low carb diet pretty well. I'm going broke buying proteins. Finally broke down last nite and made a macaroni salad for the rest of us and made a special plate for her. This is the first of my nine days off and I hope I can clean some every day.

Steak and french fries for 2 pretty soon. Better get busy and check the PBS schedule for the rest of the month.


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