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Monday, May. 26, 2003 - 9:41 a.m.

Apathy is spelled s-i-n

If I were a colour, I would be a drab brown, not mysterious grey or laid-back tan, but brown brown brown. No rich hints of red, no blending of white or yellow, but just brown brown brown. No antique walnut, warm mahogany, velvety chestnut, just brown brown brown.

As I turn in a circle, searching each horizon, I feel no hint of expectancy. You are going to have to work on me again. oooo--now that is a non-apathetic thought. I hate pain and discomfort which are the tools that usually turn me into a more participating person.

Most of the kids are still away. 2s brought his girls back Sunday (was that just yesterday?) They had to go back to their mom so she could take them to see a visiting aunt and do Memorial Day things. My crew will be home this evening and I shall be too busy for apathy. I have often thought that the opposite of love is not hate, but apathy. Most of the things that I might feel an enthusiasm for are soundly discouraged. And rightly so for one who is supposed to dwell in the seraglio.


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