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Thursday, May. 15, 2003 - 10:02 a.m.

Dashed hopes

Right in the middle of our elation about 1d comes sadness. LittleGirl kitty is gone. She did well for a few days, but her insides must have been messed up (I shall spare the details) She hadn't ate anything Monday and didn't even move except to push her head against 2d's hand. 2d took her into the vet yesterday morning to be put to sleep. I offered to go with her as official mourner but was refused. 2d thought she could hold things together better if I wasn't there crying, but she was wrong.

When they turned the respirator off on 1s in Vancouver in 1988, they escorted 800 and I out to the hall until it was over then we could go back in. We acquieced to the nurse's request to do so. I vowed after that day that I would never leave a loved one to go through death again alone. 2d was not dying herself but she was sending someone she loved on that journey. Going in with an animal being put to sleep is a lesser decision but has much the same parameters. Holding them or stroking them as the doc administers the 'sweet poison' is not easy. Tears flow unchecked for this animal that was loved. I haven't had to do it for a person yet but I pray that You will give me strength to stay if that should happen.


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